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Congregation Yeshivat Tzion is an egalitarian Neo-Hasidic synagogue located in Indiana. 

We seek spirit in community, and community in spirit.

Neo-Hasidism draws significant spiritual inspiration from the legacy of Jewish mystical and Hassidic traditions. We experiment with form, content, and leadership in our spiritual quests. Chant, meditation, dance, and drama are encouraged as ways of connecting with G-d and Torah thereby motivating acts of kindness (chesed), charity (tzadaka) and healing the world (tikkun olam). We as a community, desire to "embody" wisdom and strive to personally sense G-d as suffusing the world with Divinity. 

Under the spiritual leadership of Rav Moshe ben Avraham*, our mission is to grow and strengthen the Jewish people through ethnic, cultural, and racial inclusiveness. We advocate for the diversity that has characterized the Jewish people throughout history, and through contemporary forces including conversion and adoption. We foster an expanding Jewish community that embraces its differences. 

All are invited to come to a Shabbat, holiday or other event and become acquainted with our community. Our doors are open to everyone regardless of their background and as well to those seeking to possibly become "Jews by Choice."

our lineage in a nutshell

Hasidic Judaism - Wikipedia

Rabbinical Seminary International | Welcome

*Read the Rebbe Moshe Ben Avraham's blog here:

Congregation Yeshivat Tzion is a Non-profit organization/synagogue. We operate from a 14 point system that is equivalent to a 501(c)(3) 

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