(Congregation yeshivat tzion)

To Whom it May Concern:
Congregation Yeshivat Tzion and all of its members CONDEMNS any and all acts of violence between people. We CONDEMN acts of violence against law enforcement/Governmental authorities by the public and we CONDEMN unlawful acts of violence against the public by Law enforcement/Governmental authorities. We also CONDEMN any and all types of racial injustice and racism.
We also agree with the United States of America's Judicial system's idea of due process, and we don't pass judgment on anyone who has been charged with any crimes until due process of the judicial system is complete. We truly believe a person is "innocent until proven guilty".
Lastly, as an Army of Light (Ohr Tzava) we focus upon weapons of CREATIVITY, CONSTRUCTION, and EDUCATION; not weapons of destruction.

Ohr Tzava (Army of Light)

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Ohr Tzava Army of Light Elite Upper Force
So you want to know more about Neo Hasidic Spirituality?
Welcome to the landing page for Congregation Yeshivat Tzion. We're really excited to see that you've come to visit but the question still remains,
Do you want to know more about Neo Hasidic Spirituality, the Goal of Creation, Physical Immortality, and more? If so, here is what you can do: Connect to one of the Rabbis in the Book Online section after searching this website, become a student via online classes after contacting one of the Rabbis in the Contact section, Subscribe to our channel and watch the D'var Torah videos on the weekly Torah portions from Rebbe Moshe (Donations accepted), & subscribe to our weekly newsletters!
Well now it's time to explore everything else we have to offer here! Click around, find some information and get in touch with us using the Contact section! Congratulations on starting a journey that will change the way you live your life, forever!
🙏🏽 Also, for anyone interested in Biblical Hebrew Language classes, please contact Rabbi Aharon ASAP! He has two more spots left in his class, and he is looking to make a blog to further assist the students. His email is that rabcapabam@gmail.com.
# BiblicalHebrew #PureLanguage🙏🏽 .
Todah Rabbah (Thanks a lot) to our supporters!
Be sure to read our article in Tabletmag.com:
*Read the Rebbe Moshe Ben Avraham's blog here: http://solomonministries.blogspot.com/